Source: status-list-credential/status-list2021-credential.js

import {
  StatusList, // eslint-disable-line
} from '@digitalcredentials/vc-status-list';
import { u8aToHex, u8aToU8a } from '@polkadot/util';
import { gzip, ungzip } from 'pako';
import { DockStatusList2021Qualifier } from '../utils/vc/constants';
import VerifiableCredential from '../verifiable-credential';
import { ensureStatusListId } from '../utils/type-helpers';
import { KeyDoc } from "../utils/vc/helpers"; // eslint-disable-line

 * Status list 2021 verifiable credential as per
export default class StatusList2021Credential extends VerifiableCredential {
   * Create a new Status List 2021 Verifiable Credential instance.
   * @param {string} id - id of the credential
  constructor(id) {

    // Caches decoded status list.
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'internalCachedStatusList', {
      value: { encoded: void 0, decoded: void 0 },
      writable: true,

   * Fail if the given verifiable credential id isn't a valid `StatusList2021Credential` id.
   * @param {*} id
  static verifyID(id) {

   * Creates new `StatusList2021Credential` with supplied `id` and option `statusPurpose` = `revocation` by default,
   * `length` and `revokeIndices`. Note that credential with `statusPurpose` = `revocation` can't unsuspend its indices.
   * To allow unrevoking indices in the future, use `statusPurpose` = `suspension`.
   * The proof will be generated immediately using supplied `keyDoc`.
   * @param {KeyDoc} keyDoc
   * @param {string} id - on-chain hex identifier for the `StatusList2021Credential`.
   * @param {object} [params={}]
   * @param {'revocation'|'suspension'} [params.statusPurpose=revocation] - `statusPurpose` of the `StatusList2021Credential`.
   * Can be either `revocation` or `suspension`.
   * @param {number} [params.length=1e4] - length of the underlying `StatusList`.
   * @param {Iterable<number>} [params.revokeIndices=[]] - iterable producing indices to be revoked or suspended initially
   * @returns {Promise<StatusList2021Credential>}
  static async create(
    { statusPurpose = 'revocation', length = 1e4, revokeIndices = [] } = {},
  ) {
    const statusList = await createList({ length });
    this.updateStatusList(statusPurpose, statusList, revokeIndices);

    const jsonCred = await createCredential({
      id: `${this.qualifier}${id}`,
      list: statusList,

    const cred = this.fromJSON(jsonCred);

    return await cred.sign(keyDoc);

   * Revokes indices and unsuspends other indices in the underlying status list, regenerating the proof.
   * If `statusPurpose` = `revocation`, indices can't be unsuspended.
   * The status list revoked (suspended)/unsuspended indices will be set atomically and in case of an error,
   * the underlying value won't be modified.
   * Throws an error if the underlying status list can't be decoded or any of the supplied indices is out of range.
   * @param {KeyDoc} keyDoc
   * @param {object} [update={}]
   * @param {Iterable<number>} update.revokeIndices - indices to be revoked or suspended
   * @param {Iterable<number>} update.unsuspendIndices - indices to be unsuspended
   * @returns {Promise<this>}
  async update(keyDoc, { revokeIndices = [], unsuspendIndices = [] }) {
    const currentStatusList = await this.decodedStatusList();
    const statusList = new StatusList({
      buffer: new Uint8Array((currentStatusList).bitstring.bits),


    this.credentialSubject.encodedList = await statusList.encode();
    // Remove `proof` so that an array of `proof`s is not created by the following `sign` call.
    delete this.proof;
    this.setIssuanceDate(new Date().toISOString());

    await this.sign(keyDoc);

    return this;

   * Returns a `Promise` resolving to the decoded `StatusList`.
   * @returns {Promise<StatusList>}
  async decodedStatusList() {
    const { encoded, decoded } = this.internalCachedStatusList;

    if (
      encoded === this.credentialSubject.encodedList
      && decoded !== void 0
    ) {
      return decoded;
    } else {
      this.internalCachedStatusList = {
        encoded: this.credentialSubject.encodedList,
        decoded: decodeList(this.credentialSubject),

      return this.internalCachedStatusList.decoded;

   * Returns `true` if given index is revoked or suspended, `false` otherwise.
   * Throws an error if the underlying status list can't be decoded or supplied index is out of range.
   * @param {number} index
   * @returns {Promise<boolean>}
  async revoked(index) {
    const decodedStatusList = await this.decodedStatusList();

    return decodedStatusList.getStatus(index);

   * Accepts an iterable of indices to be checked and returns an array containing `true` in the positions
   * of revoked (suspended) indices and `false` for non-revoked (non-suspended) indices.
   * Throws an error if the underlying status list can't be decoded or any of supplied indices is out of range.
   * @param {Iterable<number>} indices
   * @returns {Promise<Array<boolean>>}
  async revokedBatch(indices) {
    const decodedStatusList = await this.decodedStatusList();

    return [...indices].map((index) => decodedStatusList.getStatus(index));

   * Decodes `StatusList2021Credential` from provided bytes.
   * @param {Uint8Array} bytes
  static fromBytes(bytes) {
    const gzipBufferCred = Buffer.from(u8aToU8a(bytes));
    const stringifiedCred = ungzip(gzipBufferCred, { to: 'string' });
    const parsedCred = JSON.parse(stringifiedCred);

    return this.fromJSON(parsedCred);

   * Instantiates `StatusList2021Credential` from the provided `JSON`.
   * @param {object} json
   * @returns {StatusList2021Credential}
  static fromJSON(json) {
    const cred = super.fromJSON(json);

    return cred;

   * Converts `StatusList2021Credential` to its JSON representation.
   * @returns {object}
  toJSON() {

    return super.toJSON();

   * Encodes `StatusList2021Credential` as bytes.
   * @returns {Uint8Array}
  toBytes() {
    const jsonCred = this.toJSON();
    const stringifiedCred = JSON.stringify(jsonCred);
    const bufferCred = Buffer.from(stringifiedCred);

    return gzip(bufferCred);

   * Converts given credentials to the substrate-compatible representation.
   * @returns {{ StatusList2021Credential: string }}
  toSubstrate() {
    return { StatusList2021Credential: u8aToHex(this.toBytes()) };

   * Validates underlying `StatusList2021Credential`.
  validate() {
    const { credentialSubject } = this;

    if (!credentialSubject) throw new Error('Missing `credentialSubject`');
    if (!this.constructor.statusPurposes.has(credentialSubject.statusPurpose)) {
      throw new Error(
        `Invalid \`statusPurpose\`, expected one of \`${[
        ].join(', ')}\``,
    if (typeof !== 'string' || ! {
      throw new Error('Missing ``');
    if (credentialSubject.type !== 'StatusList2021') {
      throw new Error(
        '`credentialSubject.type` must be set to `StatusList2021`',
    if (!credentialSubject.encodedList) {
      throw new Error('`credentialSubject.encodedList` must be present');

   * Revokes (suspends) `revokeIndices` and unsuspends `unsuspendIndices` from the supplied `StatusList`.
   * Throws an error if
   * - non-empty `unsuspendIndices` passed along with `statusPurpose != suspension`
   * - any index is present in both iterables
   * - some index is out of bounds.
   * @param {'revocation'|'suspension'} statusPurpose
   * @param {StatusList} statusList
   * @param {Iterable<number>} revokeIndices
   * @param {Iterable<number>} unsuspendIndices
  static updateStatusList(
    revokeIndices = [],
    unsuspendIndices = [],
  ) {
    const unsuspendIndiceSet = new Set(unsuspendIndices);
    if (statusPurpose !== 'suspension' && unsuspendIndiceSet.size > 0) {
      throw new Error(
        `Can't unsuspend indices for credential with \`statusPurpose\` = \`${statusPurpose}\`, it's only possible with \`statusPurpose\` = \`suspension\``,

    for (const idx of revokeIndices) {
      if (unsuspendIndiceSet.has(idx)) {
        throw new Error(
          `Index \`${idx}\` appears in both revoke and unsuspend sets`,

      statusList.setStatus(idx, true);
    for (const idx of unsuspendIndiceSet) {
      statusList.setStatus(idx, false);

 * Allowed status purposes for this credential type.
StatusList2021Credential.statusPurposes = new Set(['revocation', 'suspension']);
StatusList2021Credential.qualifier = DockStatusList2021Qualifier;