Source: utils/misc.js

/* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */
import elliptic from 'elliptic';
import { blake2AsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';

import { sha256 } from 'js-sha256';
import { PatternMatcher } from './generic';

const EC =;
const secp256k1Curve = new EC('secp256k1');

/** // TODO: Error handling when `stateChange` is not registered
 * Helper function to return bytes of a `StateChange` enum. Updates like key change, DID removal, revocation, etc
 * require the change to be wrapped in `StateChange` before serializing for signing.
 * @param {object} api - Promise API from polkadot-js
 * @param {object} stateChange - A representation of a `StateChange` enum variant
 * @return {array} An array of Uint8
export function getBytesForStateChange(api, stateChange) {
  return api.createType('StateChange', stateChange).toU8a();

export function getStateChange(api, name, value) {
  const stateChange = {};
  stateChange[name] = value;
  return getBytesForStateChange(api, stateChange);

 * Verify a given signature on a given message
 * @param {array} message - Bytes of message. Its assumed that the message is not hashed already
 * and hashed before verifying
 * @param {SignatureSecp256k1} signature - signature to verify
 * @param {PublicKeySecp256k1} publicKey - Secp256k1 public key for verification
 * @returns {boolean} True when signature is valid, false otherwise
export function verifyEcdsaSecp256k1Sig(message, signature, publicKey) {
  const hash = sha256.digest(message);
  return verifyEcdsaSecp256k1SigPrehashed(hash, signature, publicKey);

 * Verify a given signature on a given message hash
 * @param {array} messageHash - Hash of the message. Its assumed that the message is hashed already
 * @param {SignatureSecp256k1} signature - signature to verify
 * @param {PublicKeySecp256k1} publicKey - Secp256k1 public key for verification
 * @returns {boolean} True when signature is valid, false otherwise
export function verifyEcdsaSecp256k1SigPrehashed(
) {
  // Remove the leading `0x`
  const sigHex = signature.value.slice(2);
  // Break it in 2 chunks of 32 bytes each
  const sig = { r: sigHex.slice(0, 64), s: sigHex.slice(64, 128) };
  // Remove the leading `0x`
  const pkHex = publicKey.value.slice(2);
  // Generate public key object. Not extracting the public key for signature as the verifier
  // should always know what public key is being used.
  const pk = secp256k1Curve.keyFromPublic(pkHex, 'hex');
  return secp256k1Curve.verify(messageHash, sig, pk);

 * Get unique elements from an array as seen by the filterCallback function.
 * @param {array} a - Array to check for duplicates.
 * @param {function} filterCallback - Elements will be fed to this function before comparison.
 * @returns {*}
export function getUniqueElementsFromArray(a, filterCallback) {
  const seen = new Set();
  return a.filter((item) => {
    const k = filterCallback(item);
    return seen.has(k) ? false : seen.add(k);

 * Encodes an extrinsic as a blake2 hash
 * @param {*} api - API for creating Call type
 * @param {*} tx - Extrinsic to encode
 * @returns {string}
export function encodeExtrinsicAsHash(api, tx) {
  return blake2AsHex(api.createType('Call', tx).toU8a());

 * Get the nonce to be used for sending the next transaction if not provided already.
 * @param {DockDidOrDidMethodKey} didOrDidMethodKey - DID whose nonce is needed
 * @param nonce - If provided, returned as it is.
 * @param didModule - Reference to the DID module. If nonce is not provided then the next nonce for the DID is fetched by
 * using this
 * @returns {Promise<undefined|*>}
export async function getDidNonce(
  nonce = undefined,
  didModule = undefined,
) {
  if (nonce === undefined && didModule === undefined) {
    throw new Error(
      'Provide either nonce or didModule to fetch nonce but none provided',
  if (nonce === undefined) {
    return didModule.getNextNonceForDid(didOrDidMethodKey);
  return nonce;

 * Ensures that provided value matches supplied pattern(s), throws an error otherwise.
 * @param pattern
 * @param value
export const ensureMatchesPattern = (pattern, value) => new PatternMatcher().check(pattern, value);

 * Get a list of numbers in the range [start, stop], i.e. both are inclusive. Taken from
 * @param start
 * @param stop
 * @param step
 * @returns {number[]}
export const inclusiveRange = (start, stop, step) => Array.from({ length: (stop - start) / step + 1 }, (_, i) => start + i * step);

export * from './keypair';