Source: utils/revocation.js

import { randomAsHex, blake2AsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
import jsonld from 'jsonld';

import { VB_ACCUMULATOR_22, KB_UNI_ACCUMULATOR_24 } from '@docknetwork/crypto-wasm-ts';
import OneOfPolicy from './revocation/one-of-policy';

import {
} from './vc/constants';

// The revocation registry has id with the byte size `RevRegIdByteSize`
export const RevRegIdByteSize = 32;
// Each entry in revocation registry has byte size `RevEntryByteSize`
export const RevEntryByteSize = 32;

const LD_SEC_TERM = '';

 * Return `credentialStatus` according to W3C spec when the revocation status is checked on Dock
 * @param registryId - Revocation registry id
 * @returns {{id: string, type: string}}
export function buildDockCredentialStatus(registryId) {
  return { id: `${DockRevRegQualifier}${registryId}`, type: RevRegType };

 * Generate the revocation id of a credential usable by Dock. It hashes the credential id to get the
 * revocation id
 * @param credential
 * @returns {*}
export function getDockRevIdFromCredential(credential) {
  // The hash outputs the same number of bytes as required by Dock
  return blake2AsHex(credential[credentialIDField], RevEntryByteSize * 8);

 * Generate a random revocation registry id.
 * @returns {string} The id as a hex string
export function createRandomRegistryId() {
  return randomAsHex(RevRegIdByteSize);

 * Retrieves a value under the `credentialStatus` property and ensures it has the expected properties.
 * Returns `null` if no value is found.
 * @param expanded
export function getCredentialStatus(expanded) {
  const statusValues = jsonld.getValues(expanded, expandedStatusProperty);
  if (!statusValues.length) {
    return null;
  } else if (statusValues.length > 1) {
    throw new Error(
      `\`statusPurpose\` must be an array containing up to one item, received: \`${expanded[expandedStatusProperty]}\``,
  const [status] = statusValues;

  if (!status[credentialIDField]) {
    throw new Error('"credentialStatus" must include an id.');
  if (!status[credentialTypeField]) {
    throw new Error('"credentialStatus" must include a type.');

  return status;

const ldTypeGen = (typ) => [typ, `${LD_SEC_TERM}${typ}`, `/${typ}`];
const REV_REG_LD_TYPES = [RevRegType].flatMap(ldTypeGen);

 * Returns `true` if supplied status is a registry revocation status.
 * @param status
 * @returns {boolean}
export const isRegistryRevocationStatus = ({ [credentialTypeField]: type }) => REV_REG_LD_TYPES.some((t) => type.includes(t));

 * Returns `true` if supplied status is a accumulator revocation status.
 * @param status
 * @returns {boolean}
export const isAccumulatorRevocationStatus = ({ [credentialTypeField]: type }) => ACCUMULATOR_LD_TYPES.some((t) => type.includes(t));

 * Checks if a credential status has a registry revocation.
 * @param expanded
 * @returns {boolean}
export function hasRegistryRevocationStatus(expanded) {
  const status = getCredentialStatus(expanded);

  return !!status && isRegistryRevocationStatus(status);

 * Check if the credential is revoked or not according to the revocation registry mechanism.
 * @param credential
 * @param documentLoader
 * @returns {Promise<{verified: boolean}|{verified: boolean, error: string}>} The returned object will have a key `verified`
 * which is true if the credential is not revoked and false otherwise. The `error` will describe the error if any.
export async function checkRevocationRegistryStatus(
) {
  const status = getCredentialStatus(credential);
  const revId = getDockRevIdFromCredential(credential);
  if (!status) {
    throw new Error('Missing `credentialStatus`');

  if (!isRegistryRevocationStatus(status)) {
    throw new Error(`Expected registry revocation status, got \`${status}\``);

  const regId = status[credentialIDField];
  const fullId = `${regId}#${revId}`;

  // Hash credential id to get revocation id
  const { document: revocationStatus } = await documentLoader(fullId);
  if (revocationStatus) {
    return { verified: false, error: 'Revocation check failed' };

  return { verified: true };

export { OneOfPolicy, RevRegType, DockRevRegQualifier };