Private Delegation

Claim Deduction rules can express delegation of authority to issue credentials! It's expected to be a common enough use case that Dock Labs has declared some rdf vocabulary and associated claim deduction rules aid potential delegators.

An issuer may grant delegation authority to another issuer simply by issuing them a vcdm credential. Let's say did:ex:a wants to grant delegation authority to did:ex:b. did:ex:a simply issues the credential saying that did:ex:b may make any claim.

  "@context": [ "" ],
  "id": "urn:uuid:9b472d4e-492b-49f7-821c-d8c91e7fe767",
  "type": [ "VerifiableCredential" ],
  "issuer": "did:dock:a",
  "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:dock:b",
    "": ""
  "issuanceDate": "2021-03-18T19:23:24Z",
  "proof": { ... }

When did:ex:b wishes to issue a credential on behalf of did:ex:a, they should bundle it (e.g. in a presentation) with it this "delegation" credential. A delegation credential constitutes a proof of delegation. A proof of delegation bundled with a credential issued by the delegate can be prove that some statement[s] were made by authority of some root delegator.

In order to process delegated credentials a verifier accepts a bundle. The bundle includes both delegations and credentials issued by delegates. After verifying every credential within the bundle (including the delegations) the verifier uses Claim Deduction to determine which statements are proven by the delegated credential.

Dock Labs' delegation ontology (i.e. rdf vocabulary) and ruleset are currently in alpha. See Private Delegation for an example of their use.