Claim Deduction

Specifying Axioms

A Verifier has complete and low level control over the logical rules they deem valid. Rules may vary from use-case to use-case and from verifier to verifier.

A common first step when writing a ruleset will be to unwrap of Explicit Ethos statements.

Simple Unwrapping of Explicit Ethos

This ruleset names a specific issuer and states that any claims made by that issuer are true.

const rules = [
    if_all: [
        { Unbound: 'subject' },
        { Unbound: 'predicate' },
        { Unbound: 'object' },
        { Bound: { Iri: 'did:example:issuer' } },
    then: [
        { Unbound: 'subject' },
        { Unbound: 'predicate' },
        { Unbound: 'object' },
        { Bound: { DefaultGraph: true } },

That single rule is enough for some use-cases but it's not scalable. What if we want to allow more than one issuer? Instead of copying the same rule for each issuer we trust, let's define "trustworthiness".

Unwrapping Explicit Ethos by Defining Trustworthiness

const trustworthy = { Bound: { Iri: '' } };
const type = { Bound: { Iri: '' } };
const defaultGraph = { Bound: { DefaultGraph: true } };

const rules = [
    if_all: [
      [{ Unbound: 'issuer' }, type, trustworthy, defaultGraph],
      [{ Unbound: 's' }, { Unbound: 'p' }, { Unbound: 'o' }, { Unbound: 'issuer' }],
    then: [
      [{ Unbound: 's' }, { Unbound: 'p' }, { Unbound: 'o' }, defaultGraph],
    if_all: [],
    then: [
      [{ Bound: { Iri: 'did:example:issuer' } }, type, trustworthy, defaultGraph]

You may ask "So what's the difference? There is still only one issuer."

By the primitive definition of "trustworthiness" written above, any claim made by a trustworthy issuer is true. did:example:issuer can claim whatever they want by issuing verifiable credentials. They can even claim that some other issuer is trustworthy. Together, the two rules defined in the above example implement a system analogous to TLS certificate chains with did:example:issuer as the single root authority.

Proving Composite Claims

As a Holder of verifiable credentials, you'll want to prove specific claims to a Verifier. If those claims are composite, you'll sometimes need to bundle a deductive proof in your verifiable credentials presentation. This should be done after the presentation has been assembled. If the presentation is going to be signed, sign it after including the deductive proof.

import { proveCompositeClaims } from '@docknetwork/sdk/utils/cd';
import jsonld from 'jsonld';

// Check out the Issuance, Presentation, Verification tutorial for info on creating
// VCDM presentations.
const presentation = { ... };

// the claim we wish to prove
const compositeClaim = [
  { Iri: 'uuid:19e91192-210b-4b03-8e9c-8ded0a48d5bf' },
  { Iri: '' },
  { Iri: 'did:example:bob' },
  { DefaultGraph: true },

// SDK reasoning utilities take presentations in expanded form
const expPres = await jsonld.expand(presentation);

let proof;
try {
  proof = await proveCompositeClaims(expPres, [compositeClaim], rules);
} catch (e) {
  console.error('couldn\'t prove bob is an owner');
  throw e;

// this is that standard property name of a Dock deductive proof in VCDM presentation
const logic = '';

presentation[logic] = proof;

// Now JSON.stringify(presentation) is ready to send to a verifier.

Verifying Composite Claims

import { acceptCompositeClaims } from '../src/utils/cd';
import jsonld from 'jsonld';
import deepEqual from 'deep-equal';

/// received from the presenter
const presentation = ...;

// Check out the Issuance, Presentation, Verification tutorial for info on verifying
// VCDM presentations.
let ver = await verify(presentation);
if (!ver.verified) {
  throw ver;

const expPres = await jsonld.expand(presentation);

// acceptCompositeClaims will verify and take into account any deductive proof provided
// via the logic property
const claims = await acceptCompositeClaims(expPres, rules);

if (claims.some(claim => deepEqual(claim, compositeClaim))) {
  console.log('the composite claim was shown to be true');
} else {
  console.error('veracity of the composite claim is unknown');

Verifier-Side Reasoning

Some use-cases may require the verifier to perform inference in place of the presenter.

import { proveCompositeClaims } from '../src/utils/cd';
import jsonld from 'jsonld';

/// received from the presenter
const presentation = ...;

// Check out the Issuance, Presentation, Verification tutorial for info on verifying
// VCDM presentations.
let ver = await verify(presentation);
if (!ver.verified) {
  throw ver;

const expPres = await jsonld.expand(presentation);

try {
  await proveCompositeClaims(expPres, [compositeClaim], rules);
  console.log('the composite claim was shown to be true');
} except (e) {
  console.error('veracity of the composite claim is unknown');

We Need to Go Deeper

The SDK claim deduction module exposes lower level functionality for those who need it. getImplications, proveh and validateh, for example, operate on raw claimgraphs represented as adjacency lists. For even lower level access, check out our inference engine which is written in Rust and exposed to javascript via wasm.