DID resolver
The process of learning the DID Document of a DID is called DID resolution and tool that does the resolution is called the resolver.
Resolution involves looking at the DID method and then fetching the DID Document from the registry, the registry might be a centralized database or a blockchain.
The SDK supports resolving Dock DIDs natively. For other DIDs, resolving the DID through the Universal Resolver is supported.
Each resolver should extend the class DIDResolver
and implement the resolve
method that accepts a DID and returns the
DID document.
There is another class called ResolverRouter
that can accept several types of resolvers (objects of subclasses
of DIDResolver
) and once the ResolverRouter
is initialized with the resolvers of different DID methods, it can resolve
DIDs of those methods.
DID Dock resolver
The resolver for Dock DIDs CoreResolver
connects to the Dock blockchain to get the DID details.
The resolver is constructed by passing it a Truvera API object so that it can connect to a Dock node. This is how you resolve a Dock DID:
import { CoreResolver } from "@docknetwork/credential-sdk/resolver";
// Assuming the presence of modules created using `CheqdCoreModules` or `DockCoreModules` from the API object.
const dockResolver = new CoreResolver(modules);
// Say you had a DID `did:dock:5D.....`
const didDocument = await dockResolver.resolve("did:dock:5D.....");
Creating a resolver class for a different method
If you want to resolve DIDs other than did:dock and do not have/want access to the universal resolver, you can extend the
class to derive a custom resolver.
Following is an example to build a custom Ethereum resolver. It uses the library ethr-did-resolver and accepts a provider information as configuration. The example below uses Infura to get access to an Ethereum node and read the DID off Ethereum.
import { Resolver } from "@docknetwork/credential-sdk/resolver";
import { parseDIDUrl } from "@docknetwork/credential-sdk/utils";
import ethr from "ethr-did-resolver";
// Infura's Ethereum provider for the main net.
const ethereumProviderConfig = {
networks: [
name: "mainnet",
rpcUrl: "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/blahblahtoken",
// Custom ethereum resolver class
class EtherResolver extends Resolver {
prefix = "did";
method = "ethr";
constructor(config) {
this.ethres = ethr.getResolver(config).ethr;
async resolve(did) {
const parsed = parseDIDUrl(did);
try {
return this.ethres(did, parsed);
} catch (e) {
throw new NoDIDError(did);
// Construct the resolver
const ethResolver = new EtherResolver(ethereumProviderConfig);
// Say you had a DID `did:ethr:0x6f....`
const didDocument = await ethResolver.resolve("did:ethr:0x6f....");
Universal resolver
To resolve DIDs using the Universal Resolver, use the UniversalResolver
. It needs the URL
of the universal resolver and assumes the universal resolver from this codebase
is running at the URL.
import { UniversalResolver } from "@docknetwork/credential-sdk/resolver";
// Change the resolver URL to something else in case you cannot use the resolver at https://uniresolver.io
const universalResolverUrl = "https://uniresolver.io";
const universalResolver = new UniversalResolver(universalResolverUrl);
// Say you had a DID `did:btcr:xk....`
const didDocument = universalResolver.resolve("did:btcr:xk....");
Resolving DIDs of several DID methods with a single resolver
In case you need to resolve DIDs from more than one method, a DIDResolver
can be created by passing
resolvers of various DID methods to the derived class constructor.
The derived DIDResolver
without overriden resolve
accepts a list of resolvers each of which
will be dispatched according to their prefix and method configuration. The resolvers
array below
has resolvers for DID methods dock
and ethr
For resolving DID of any other method, UniversalResolver
object will be used.
import {
} from "@docknetwork/credential-sdk/resolver";
class MultiDIDResolver extends Resolver {
prefix = "did";
method = WILDCARD;
constructor(modules) {
new DIDResolver(modules.did),
new EtherResolver(ethereumProviderConfig),
new UniversalResolver(universalResolverUrl),
const multiResolver = new MultiDIDResolver(resolvers);
// Say you had a DID `did:dock:5D....`, then the `CoreResolver` will be used as there a resolver for Dock DID.
const didDocumentDock = await multiResolver.resolve("did:dock:5D....");
// Say you had a DID `did:btcr:xk....`, then the `UniversalResolver` will be used as there is no resolver for BTC DID.
const didDocumentBtc = await multiResolver.resolve("did:btcr:xk....");