_schemaThe schema of the whole (unblinded credential). This should include all attributes, i.e. blinded and unblinded
_statusThe credential status if blinded
_subjectThe attributes of the credential subject that will be blinded (hidden from the issuer)
Any top level attributes to blind
Equalities between blinded and credential attributes
Attributes proved inequal to a public value in zero knowledge. An attribute can be proven inequal to any number of values
Pseudonyms on blinded and credential attributes
Bounds on blinded attributes
Circom predicates on blinded attributes
A blinded credential request will contain a presentation that will prove predicates about the credential attributes and blinded attributes.
sigEncryption of blinded attributes
VERSIONFollows semver and must be updated accordingly when the logic of this class changes or the underlying crypto changes.
pk: PublicKeyAdd a pseudonym which is bound to 0 or more credential attributes and 0 or more blinded attributes
The bases at the beginning of array will be used for credential attributes and then in the end for blinded attributes.
Map with key as the credential index and value as an array of attribute to use in pseudonym.
Array of blinded attribute to use in pseudonym
baseForSecretKey: Uint8ArrayOptional
secretKey: Uint8ArrayAdd a pseudonym to only credential attributes
baseForSecretKey: Uint8ArrayOptional
secretKey: Uint8ArrayCreate a commitment to the blinded attributes.
The blinded attributes in encoded (as a field element) form. The key of the map is the index of the attributes in the flattened attributes list
Total number of attributes (blinded and unblinded) in the credential
Signature params or the label to generate them.
sigParams: Uint8Array | BBSSignatureParamsNested attribute names use the "dot" separator
paramId: stringOptional
param: BoundCheckParamTypeOptional
paramId: stringOptional
param: BoundCheckParamTypeOptional
r1cs: R1CS | ParsedR1CSFileOptional
wasmBytes: Uint8ArrayOptional
provingKey: LegoProvingKeyUncompressed | LegoProvingKeyOptional
r1cs: R1CS | ParsedR1CSFileOptional
wasmBytes: Uint8ArrayOptional
provingKey: LegoProvingKeyUncompressed | LegoProvingKeyOptional
r1cs: R1CS | ParsedR1CSFileOptional
wasmBytes: Uint8ArrayOptional
provingKey: LegoProvingKeyUncompressed | LegoProvingKeyEnforce equality on attributes of the presented credential
...equality: AttributeEqualityEnforce that a blinded attribute is equal to one or more credential attributes
Enforce that the blinded attribute attributeName
is inequal to the public value inEqualTo
paramId: stringOptional
param: PederCommKeyUncompressed | PederCommKeyCreate the request to be sent to the signer
Blind some of the credential status values
this won't be blinded
this won't be blinded
Only this will be blinded.
commKey: SaverChunkedCommitmentKeyUncompressed | SaverChunkedCommitmentKeyOptional
encryptionKey: SaverEncryptionKeyUncompressed | SaverEncryptionKeyOptional
snarkPk: SaverProvingKeyUncompressed | SaverProvingKeyOptional
commKey: SaverChunkedCommitmentKeyUncompressed | SaverChunkedCommitmentKeyOptional
encryptionKey: SaverEncryptionKeyUncompressed | SaverEncryptionKeyOptional
snarkPk: SaverProvingKeyUncompressed | SaverProvingKeyStatic
Creates a request for a blinded credential, i.e. where some of the attributes are not known to the signer