Return the wrapped bytearray
Return the hex representation of the wrapped bytearray
Return the length of the wrapped bytearray
Unblind the blind signature to get a regular signature that can be verified
blindUsed by the signer to create a blind signature
The blind sig request sent by user.
The messages known to the signer
fromGenerate a blind signature from request
generateGenerates a blind signature over the commitment of unrevealed messages and revealed messages
Iterator producing blinded messages (commitments) or revealed messages
generateGenerate a request for a blind signature
messages the requester wants to hide from the signer. The key of the map is the index of the message as per the params.
If no blinding is provided for a message, a random blinding will be generated for each message and written to this map
Any messages that the requester wishes to inform the signer about. This is for informational purpose only and has no cryptographic use.
Modified Pointcheval-Sanders blind signature used in